More effective than any food supplement

More effective than any food supplement

Conventional food supplements are often inadequately absorbed by the body. With our patented technology in spray form, however, we ensure significantly improved and faster absorption of the active ingredients. This pioneering technology has been emphatically confirmed by extensive clinical studies (including at the renowned Fraunhofer Institute).

Raw material quality
Genetic engineering
Made in
IFS certified




What is the difference between MYRICALS and other products?

MYRICALS products have been developed to solve a crucial problem: Regular dietary supplements are only partially absorbed by the body and excreted directly before they can even take effect. The TINYsphere® technology we use, on the other hand, ensures that all nutrients arrive where they are needed in less than 5 minutes. It goes without saying that all MYRICALS food supplements are free from unnecessary preservatives and additives, are vegan and consist of purely natural ingredients.

Why are many dietary supplements less effective than MYRICALS?

Over 90% of traditional food supplements are largely excreted unused. This is because our body consists primarily of water, but most supplements are not water-soluble. This leads to very low bioavailability - and therefore very low absorption. This is different with MYRICALS: thanks to our highly effective TINYsphere® technology, our products have a bioavailability of 80 %. A higher bioavailability would only be possible through direct infusion, for example.

Why do MYRICALS products work faster?

Our carrier technology encloses active ingredients in nanoscale droplets consisting of oil and lecithin as well as vitamin E to protect against oxidation. In this way, active ingredients can be distributed within seconds in aqueous media such as saliva and stomach contents. The water-soluble shell, our actual carrier system, is not absorbed but follows the normal digestive path. For this reason, the carrier system also consists of
exclusively natural ingredients, which are part of our regular diet.

Why are MYRICALS products better value for money than conventional products?

80% of MYRICALS food supplements are utilized by the body.
by the body, whereas 90% to 95% of products in capsule or tablet form are excreted without being utilized by the body. Myricals utilizes more active ingredient at a lower quantity and therefore lower price.

Are your products suitable for children?

As we cannot make any statements about the use of dietary supplements in relation to children, you should discuss this individually with your doctor.

How do I decide which products are right for me?

Everyone is different - and this also applies to the use of supplements. However, our quiz can help you a little to find out which supplements might suit your individual life situation. Apart from that, there are certain diets, such as veganism, where vitamin B12 supplementation is generally recommended. If you need a more precise recommendation, medical advice may be useful.

What does the high bioavailability of the products mean for me?

The high bioavailability of MYRICALS products means that you can be sure that the nutrients you consume through our products are quickly and directly available to your body. In this way, your body is optimally supplied every day so that you can get the most out of your everyday life.

How should I take MYRICALS products?

Taking our supplements is very easy: you can either take the MYRICALS products in a drink or spray them onto the oral mucosa. As they are water-soluble, they are ideally absorbed into the blood (90% of which consists of water) and can therefore be transported directly into the cells.

Can I combine MYRICALS products?

Yes, this is of course possible - after all, you (fortunately!) take in not just one, but a multitude of nutrients with your food.

Do your products contain alcohol?

Yes, in addition to water and plant-based glycerine, we use edible alcohol as a liquid base in our products in order to avoid the use of artificial preservatives. Alcohol is a natural component of many foods and is completely harmless in small quantities. One spray of our Myricals products contains a minimal amount of 14 mg alcohol.
By comparison, a ripe banana contains around 210 mg and a glass of apple juice around 600 mg of alcohol.

Kann ich die Produkte wieder zurückschicken?

Ja, du kannst die Produkte innerhalb von zwei Wochen an uns zurücksenden. Die Kosten für den Rückversand trägt der Kunde.

Sind die Produkte nur Online erhältlich?

Ja, bisher können die Produkte nur Online in unserem Shop oder auch bei unserem Partner Humasana erworben werden.

Highly effective innovation on a natural basis

More efficient & stronger

The bioavailability of MYRICALS reaches up to 80 %, whereas conventional products are only 5-10 %.

Scientifically proven

Our technology was developed at German universities and its benefits have been comprehensively proven in clinical studies.

Uncompromising quality of raw materials

Best raw materials in pharmaceutical quality, free from genetic engineering - IFS-certified production

Faster & more direct

Our products are active in the blood and the target cells after just 5 minutes - and are detectable in the blood plasma.

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